2018-M03 ETR Briefing

Investabill ETR® are fixed value Exchange Traded Receivables that are Loans or Bills issued under Contract for goods and services supplied to investment quality† companies, or credit insured invoices from Investment Grade [IG] insurers. As at M03, Credebt Exchange® held RSA of EUR 252.9m, with EUR 11.24m allocated. EUR 0.60m of Investor redemptions were transacted. Trading for M03 totalled EUR 5.71m+ of trade, with all available ETR utilised.

Treasury performance at EUR 4.89m of settled ETR was marginally below the trade volumes for the month. This was a good, and almost at parity, performance for the period.

Performance 2018-M03 v 2017-M03 trade value decreased by 24.50% with volumes also down by 35.99%. This is the first time that negative overall growth has been recorded. EUR 5.71m of total trade ended 2018-Q1. The new 2018 – 2020 strategy will address a significant upturn in ETR generation in 2018-H2 and announcements are imminent. Total creditors & debtors were c.4.2k in the month. Highest single value trade was EUR 0.14m. Total RSA in the month increased 1.25% to EUR 252.9m+

TrendYield fluctuated between 2.071% and 2.121% in the month. Originator demand rose slightly in M03 and is a return to improved yield in 2018. The unstable Buy rate fluctuations during M02 were removed and ended upward at c2.110%. With the new initiatives being implemented in 2018-Q2, demand is expected to rise. RPA capacity available for use was 252.9m+

2018-M03 ETR Briefing

† Investment quality is a combination of Investment Grade [IG] organisations & other credit worthy organisations, as determined by AIG and other credit rating providers, from time to time