Investabill ETR® are fixed value Exchange Traded Receivables that are leases, monetary obligations or Bills issued under Contract for assets, goods and services supplied to investment quality† companies, or credit insured invoices from Investment Grade [IG] insurers. As at M01, Credebt Exchange® held Active RSA of EUR 32.78m, with EUR 23.90m fully allocated. Investors redeemed EUR 0.20m in the period and trading for M01 was EUR 8.85m+ with all ETR utilised.
Treasury performance at EUR 7.14m of settled ETR was almost at parity for the month. This balance can be attributed to an overall levelling of trade as we enter the New Year.
Performance 2020-M01 v 2019-M01 showed an increase in trade volume of 13.31% and also a substantial trade value increase of 35.37%. This is a good start to a new decade and can be attributed to the 2020 plan proving its results. The Credebt® Index of 109 makes a favourable market for the Exchange. Total creditors & debtors were c.6.0k. The largest single trade was EUR 0.38m
Trend Yield average increased to c.1.934% in the month starting at 1.940% and ending on 1.958%. This stabilised price is expected to increase in Q2/Q3 in line with Originator supply. The increases in the Credebt® Index and in supply from Originators should see this figure remain constant until later in the year. Available RPA capacity was EUR 32.78m+
† Investment quality is a combination of Investment Grade [IG] organisations & other credit worthy organisations, as determined by AIG and other credit rating providers, from time to time