Special Extended Credit Terms

Before beginning to monitor WADSO, some customers should be classified as Special Extended Credit Terms [SECT]. This means that the specific Debtor has been offered an extended credit terms but this is only be permitted by the Manager that oversees collections.  The Collections Manager should think about the business needs of the company before deciding to classify any Debtor a SECT.  This is important because SECT Debtors will affect WADSO.

It is most important that the Collections Agent, that is supervised by the Collections Manager, understands that SECT status is ‘special’ and only granted in certain circumstances.  In many instance, the Collections Manager will refuse to approve a Debtor for SECT status. To avoid disappointment, the Collections Agent should only seek SECT on specific customers and specific, ‘out of the ordinary’ situations.

If any customer is on the Debtor SECT list the 7-Day Rule and 14-Day Rule remain unchanged. Depending on whether the customer has a 45, 60 or 90 day SECT will determine when the 25-Day, 35-Day, 42-Day and 45-Day rules still apply but do not occur on their respective days. Instead they use this table:

SECT Rule 25-Day 35-Day 42-Day 45-Day
45 Days  42nd Day  52nd Day  59th Day  62nd Day
60 Days  58th Day  68th Day  75th Day  78th Day
90 Days  88th Day  98th Day 105th Day 108th Day