Notice of Intent [NoI]

Before any invoice from any customer/Debtor can be traded and sold on Credebt Exchange®, a Notice of Intent [NoI] letter must be issued. This is a one-time-only event (i.e. it does not occur repeatedly) and the notification process is simple:

Issuing the Notice of Intent [NoI]

Firstly, you create the letter using the Notice of Intent [NoI] Template. Once prepared, the simplest and most effective way is to issue the NoI as a PDF in an email. When sending this by email, please ensure that you use the following instructions:

  • Send the email to your contact at the Debtor company
  • This is a suggested email subject line: ####### NoI APPROVAL #######
  • CC the email to:
  • Ask the recipient (i.e. your contact in the Debtor Company) to reply using the following suggested text:

    “….on receipt of this email, please confirm that this notice is acceptable to you and that there is no issue in our new requirement that payments be made to Credebt Exchange®. When confirming your agreement, please Reply All”

    …or some other similar wording.

  • In the absence of any response, it is advisable to re-send a reminder email within a few days.

Using the above approach will mean that you/we don’t need to call/email the Debtor again.