Equal Opportunities & Credebt Exchange Limited
The following is the Credebt Exchange Limited equal opportunities and racial equality statement.

Equal Opportunities & Credebt Exchange Limited

Employees will be consulted regularly about the policy, and about related action plans and strategies.

All employees are trained on this policy and on their rights and responsibilities under it and on how the policy affects the way they carry out their duties. No one will be in any doubt about what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable conduct in the organisation.

Managers and workers in key decision-making areas are trained on the discriminatory effects that provisions, practices, requirements, conditions, and criteria can have on some racial groups, and the importance of being able to justify decisions to apply them.

Opportunities for employment, promotion, transfer and training are advertised widely, internally and externally, and all applicants will be welcomed, irrespective of race, colour, nationality or ethnic or national origins.

All employees are encouraged to develop their skills and qualifications, and to take advantage of promotion and development opportunities in the organisation.

Selection criteria will be entirely related to the job or training opportunity.

Information on the ethnic and racial backgrounds of workers and applicants for employment, promotion and training will be collected and analysed, to monitor each stage of the recruitment process. The information will be held in strictest confidence and will only be used to promote equality of opportunity and prevent unlawful racial discrimination.

If the data show that people from a particular racial group are under-represented in particular areas of work, lawful positive action training and encouragement will be considered for workers and others from that group, to improve their chances of applying successfully for vacancies in these areas.

Grievances, disciplinary action, performance assessment, and terminations of employment, for whatever reason, will also be monitored by racial group.

Requirements, conditions, provisions, criteria and practices will be reviewed regularly, in the light of the monitoring results, and revised, if they are found to, or might, discriminate unlawfully on racial grounds.

All contracts between Credebt Exchange and contractors to supply goods, materials or services will include a clause prohibiting unlawful racial discrimination or harassment by contractors and their staff, and by any sub-contractors and their staff. The clause will also encourage contractors and potential contractors to provide equality of opportunity in their employment practices.

This document acknowledges that Credebt Exchange is an equal opportunities employer and this racial equality will be monitored to ensure its continuation.

Members and clients are aware of the policy, and of their right to fair and equal treatment, irrespective of race, colour, nationality or ethnic or national origins.

This policy has been endorsed by the Exchange Director and has the full support of the management/board.

The policy was approved on 7 September, 2011, following consultation with senior managers and employees.

Overall responsibility for the effectiveness of this policy lies with the Exchange Director.

All staff are responsible for familiarising themselves with this policy. Managers must also make sure their workers know about, and follow, the policy.

For further information, please contact

Credebt Exchange Limited
60 Lower Baggot Street
Dublin 2