Trading on the Exchange is secure and confidential. However, you should understand the legal implications of using the Exchange:
Trading on the Exchange is a legally binding transaction and title in all Traded ETR passes to the Exchange. In the event of non-payment by the debtor (i.e. your customer), Credebt Exchange® has full recourse to your debtor and will use all necessary legal methods to ensure payment is received. If non-payment occurs, this will include contacting the debtor directly and/or assigning the debt to a debt collection agency.
To protect the identity of Originators, debtors, creditors and Investors, many safeguards and security measures are used on the Exchange. Notwithstanding these measures and the confidential nature of the Exchange, your customer will be aware that you are selling invoices on the Exchange. All Traded ETR are on a full disclosure basis and all Debotors are notified in writing that the Traded ETR is legally owned by the Exchange (on behalf of the Investor). Implicit in Membership of the Exchange, is the right for Credebt Exchange® personnel to contact your customers to verify Traded ETR details.
It is unlikely that the accounts department in the debtor organisation would notify purchasing or senior management personnel that you are trading their invoices on the Exchange. Therefore, your relationship with your customer should remain intact and unaffected. Moreover, using the Exchange demonstrates keen commercial sense as a prudent solution to alternative commercial finance.
There is no guarantee that any registration for Membership of the Exchange will be successful. All applications are examined prior to approval and Credebt Exchange® is under no obligation to make known any of its findings or any reasons for rejecting any application or any granted Membership of the Exchange that is subsequently terminated. Application fees are non-refundable.
Membership of the Exchange is without guarantee or warranty that Originators will be able to sell any invoice, nor that any Investor will make any trade offers and Credebt Exchange® is not liable for any failure of the Exchange to operate or to provide Traded ETR.
Originator and debtor reputation are critical components of trading on the Exchange and all Originators should have a carefully considered strategy before using the Exchange. Originator reputation may be affected if the Originator fails to deliver quality ETR to the Investor, or ETR that give rise to disputes between the debtor, or the Originator, or the Investor and/or Credebt Exchange®. Your trading strategy should consider all the implications of using a commercial exchange and at every stage, the Originator should seek to protect its reputation as a professional organisation. As a Originator and Member of the Exchange, it is important that careful due diligence is attached to all Traded ETR and that the proceeds of all Traded ETR are collected promptly.
Credebt Exchange® operates transparently and openly with all Members of the Exchange and encourages fair, equitable and honest trading at all times. To protect the integrity of the Exchange, Originators found to have breached ethical conduct, in any way, will be terminated without notice.